RAJI HUNJAN AND MARC FRANCIS: Labour must remember the principled stand George Lansbury and his colleagues made during the Poplar rates rebellion and argue for the renationalisation of our social security system.
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MARY HONEYBALL MEP: In the reality of automation, it becomes clear that the Labour party must rethink how it approaches tax policy.
ANDREW HARROP: When it comes to local taxation and the geographic distribution of public money, Labour has a choice between incremental revision and radical reform.
ROSS CAMPBELL: There is an imbalance in the UK economy, as commercial activity is heavily skewed towards London and the Southeast. Increased devolution is desirable, but may not lead to stronger businesses in all regions.
ROSS CAMPBELL: How the Chancellor sets targets for overall public expenditure and investment, as well as how Treasury controls the way departments spend their allocation of capital and resource budgets.
ANDREW HARROP: Economic activism and fiscal prudence must go hand in hand under a Corbyn government