Much has been written on the fact that the Irish border is a nightmare for Brexit negotiations. A hard border will hurt the people on both sides of the border and undo decades of work, but an open border would...
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The end of the belated and weak post-2008 recovery is exposing Britain’s economic weaknesses. If we are not to fall ever further behind, a new determined economic strategy is needed in place of failed Neo-liberal policies.
Headline GDP only recovered to...
Leaving the EU seems to open a period of great uncertainty for the UK. There are many roads it might follow but you would have to be crazy, reckless or both to follow most of them. The range of sensible...
Emily Thornberry was one of the stars of Labour’s election campaign. Now she wants the party to prepare for power, she tells Kate Murray
It was one of the highlights of election night: Emily Thornberry, grinning like the Cheshire Cat, telling...
There have been innumerable discussions recently about the many different kinds of Brexit that may play out over the coming months and years. However, as we see it, there are three main types: a ‘Hard Brexit’, a ‘Soft Brexit’ and...
Brexit: What the Hell Happens Now?, Ian Dunt, Canbury Press, 2016, £7.99
Two months ago Theresa May called a snap general election to secure a personal mandate for Brexit. May then proceeded, during the campaign, to refuse any meaningful discussion of...