The future of the left since 1884

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There goes the fear

The end of politics is the attention-grabbing title of Douglas Carswell's book. But the book ends without offering a genuine consideration of what politics is really for – just that it is broken.

The book argues that government has got much...

The secrets of power

At the heart of the current presidential contest between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney is the question of power: who will wield it and to what purpose? Politicos – both elected and otherwise – rightly obsess over this both in...

The beginnings of a new social democracy

Over the last 60 years, European social democracy has moved (though with varying degrees across nations) from ascendancy in the post-war era to marginalisation from the early 1980s and then to 'The Third Way' period of accommodation to markets from...

Habermas' "The Crisis of the European Union: A Response"

In modern societies 'debt' refers to an economic relationship of incomplete exchange, based on the expectation that it will, at some point, be closed through repayment. As this relationship extends indefinitely into the future the institution of debt is intimately...

Jonathan Rutherford reviews Richard Sennett's 'Together'

Richard Sennett’s new book is a study of the practice of co-operation. It is the second of three in what he calls his ‘homo faber’ project – the idea of human beings as the makers of their own destiny through...

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