The future of the left since 1884

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Win, lose or draw, Labour needs to keep changing

Politics has changed dramatically over the last five years. The coalition, the collapse of the LibDems, the rise of UKIP, the Greens and the SNP; all of this, plus voter anger towards the traditional parties has created a challenging environment...

The Inequality Election

Politics is fragmenting and it seems another inconclusive election is before us. The established Westminster parties have failed to find an answer to public disenchantment, as people say ‘you’re all the same’. But this year the choice between a Labour...

Towards Labour's green golden age

With a few short weeks until the general election, Labour still lacks a unifying narrative that could give impetus and direction to what is otherwise a collection of important but disparate social and economic reforms. And less than one year...

Britain and Europe 2020: The next five years

Britain’s relationship with Europe over the next five years depends on three key issues. One, of course, is the result of the general election. The second is the state of European economies. And the third is the political direction of...

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