The future of the left since 1884

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The green thread

In an evolving and fragmented devolution policy landscape, green infrastructure can be the ‘green thread’ that binds devo deals together, writes Ed Wallis. 

For a long time, the environment has found itself cast to the periphery of political debate. The hopeful...

Towards Labour's green golden age

With a few short weeks until the general election, Labour still lacks a unifying narrative that could give impetus and direction to what is otherwise a collection of important but disparate social and economic reforms. And less than one year...

Sustainability: The green economy

Before the 2010 election the Conservatives’ policy rebranding included ‘The low carbon economy - security, stability and green growth’. It laid claim to “A vision of a different Britain...of a Britain which leads the world in new green technologies ...a...

What happened to the Green surge?

The general election of 2015 did not exactly show ‘Green surge’. The rise in support for the Green Party was one of the second-tier stories of the election, lagging in importance behind the SNP landslide in Scotland, the collapse of...

Home is where the heart is

Ruth Davis traces how the green movement and the wider left became estranged from people’s everyday lives – and how we might come together again around an English politics of nature...

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