Local societies
Birmingham and West Midlands
Birmingham and West Midlands Fabians is one of 50 local Fabian Societies
Usual Venue: Birmingham Friends Meeting House
Contact: Mr Luke John Davies, bhamfabians@gmail.com
Website: https://birminghamfabians.org
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bhamfabians
Facebook: https://facebook.com/bhamfabians
Bournemouth Fabians are the largest local Fabian society in the UK, with over a 100 members and regular meetings throughtout the year
Usual Venue: All meetings start at 19:30 in Friends Meeting House, Bournemouth, BH5 1AH
Brighton & Hove
Usual Venue: All meetings start at 19:30 at Friends Meeting House, Ship Street, BN1 1AF
Contact: Mr Stephen Ottaway, stephenottaway1@gmail.com