The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

The latest news, analysis and opinion from the Fabian Society including highlights from the Fabian Review and web-exclusive commentary and insight.


Leading questions

19 April 2023

PAULA SURRIDGE: Does Labour's lead in the polls reflect enthusiastic support from voters - or just growing dislike of the Conservatives?

Continue Reading Elections / Labour party
Long read

Our common future

14 April 2023

EWAN MCGAUGHEY: The big questions around common ownership in the UK remain unresolved. How should we tackle them – and where do Keir Starmer's missions fit in?

Continue Reading Public Services / Economy

Primary solutions

11 April 2023

JOE MCMANNERS: For a more effective and efficient health service, we should be expanding primary care - not circumventing it

Continue Reading Health

Taxing times

6 April 2023

FREDERICK MICHELL: Labour should put the global minimum corporation tax reform front and centre of its fiscal plan

Continue Reading Business / Tax

Caring better, together

4 April 2023

JENNY KARTUPELIS: Social care has been increasingly relegated to the role of freeing up hospital beds. But it can be lifechanging in its own right - especially if we draw on 'relational' approaches

Continue Reading Social Care

A simple diagnosis

30 March 2023

IGGY WOOD: The NHS model is under greater threat than at any time in its history. But the truth is, any healthcare system would need more money. Iggy Wood talks to Dr Nicholas Barr

Continue Reading Health

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