The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

The latest news, analysis and opinion from the Fabian Society including highlights from the Fabian Review and web-exclusive commentary and insight.


Joining the dots

17 November 2022

GRAHAM CHAPMAN: The Conservatives’ levelling up plans are incoherent and perfunctory. Labour will need a more strategic approach

Continue Reading Transport / Economy

Lessons from furlough

15 November 2022

HARRY PARSONS: Rishi Sunak uses the furlough scheme to trumpet his pro-worker credentials - but it only served to reinforce Britain's inequalities. The next government must avoid making the same mistakes

Continue Reading Covid-19 / Welfare

An unequal crisis

9 November 2022

OLIVIA BAILEY: The next Labour government must make tackling health inequalities a top priority

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Building the dream

7 November 2022

GEETA NANDA: We will need to work together if we are to turn social housing dreams into reality

Continue Reading Housing

Time for action

3 November 2022

KERRY McCARTHY: Labour would do what's needed to tackle climate change

Continue Reading Environment / Labour party

Putting science to work

2 November 2022

We're spending more than we thought on science and innovation. But where's the money going?

Continue Reading Technology / Business

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