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The UK is heading for isolationism - Labour must present an alternative

19 November 2015

In the aftermath of the Paris attacks, the government announced it is increasing the resources allocated to the military and security services. Both play vital roles in ensuring the country’s security. However, a broader analysis of the Conservative’s security strategy...

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Labour's In campaign must build a 'people's case' for Europe

16 November 2015

Britain will soon decide on the future of its relationship with the EU. Whether or not David Cameron succeeds in his renegotiation efforts, the outcome of that decision is still far from clear. Taking an average of 16 national polls,...

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Unemployment figures: Corbyn must get beneath the stats

11 November 2015

The new unemployment figures released today give the impression our economy is nearly back to full strength, but scratch under the surface and things are far from rosy for many in the UK’s workforce. George Osborne will no doubt hail today’s...

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Syria intervention: Cameron should apply Blair's doctrine

9 November 2015

Tony Blair was the champion of interventionism as a justifiable part of international politics, and as a mechanism for peace. He sent British troops to war more times than any other British prime minister in history, and oversaw British intervention in...

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Labour Party membership is shifting - and it matters

5 November 2015

The increase in Labour’s membership is profound. Reports suggest an additional 170,000 members have joined, including the 60,000 since Jeremy Corbyn became Leader of the Opposition. These numbers are unprecedented and should be a cause for deep celebration. But who are the...

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The DWP is institutionalising food banks - let's make them unnecessary instead

28 October 2015

Today's announcement from Iain Duncan Smith that the Department for Work and Pensions are trialing placing job advisers in food banks is a welcome one. Not least because it shows an acceptance on his part that there is a link...

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