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Tax credit cuts: food budgets will feel the squeeze first

28 October 2015

The furore over tax credits has called the prime minister’s pledge of an “all-out assault on poverty” into question. In the House of Commons today, the Prime Minister shed no new light on the extent to which the planned tax...

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Not so EVEL?

22 October 2015

In June the Fabian Society published analysis of the implications of EVEL for the Labour Party, in our report The Mountain To Climb. In the paper I wrote: Labour is now so weak in Scotland, that ‘English Votes for English Laws’...

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To win back trust, Labour must back a new voting system

21 October 2015

Whatever your stance within the Labour Party, it's hard not to be enthused by the sheer number of people joining and getting involved in Labour right now. In conversations with people in my own constituency, I've found that these new...

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Why Labour must embrace a new revisionism

20 October 2015

Social Democratic revisionism has, as the name suggests, a history of challenging older doctrine. From Eduard Bernstein’s criticisms of early Marxism, to Tony Crosland’s objection to public ownership as the sole route to socialism, revisionism has always challenged old solutions...

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Duplicity and impotence: Tory doublespeak and Labour failure on poverty

9 October 2015

David Cameron is not the first Tory to claim poverty as his issue while presiding over policies that have the opposite effect. He is following in the footsteps of his work and pensions secretary, Iain Duncan Smith. The left fumes...

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Labour has lost pride in its achievements - and that can be fatal

9 October 2015

“Divided, extreme and out-of-date.” These are the words that have dominated a torrid few months of headlines for Labour. News of Andrew Adonis’ recent appointment as chair of Osborne’s National Infrastructure Commission has added to this image, with Labour insiders...

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