The future of the left since 1884

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Under Corbyn's electoral plan, prospects for victory look bleak

20 August 2015

In an interview with Labour List earlier this week, Jeremy Corbyn was asked to comment on the Fabian Society report The Mountain to Climb, which showed that Labour will need to win 106 extra seats and 40 per cent of...

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Is it ever right to print money?

20 August 2015

We know that one of the key reasons why Labour lost the last two elections is because we were seen as economically incompetent. The Tories and the media have managed to convince many voters that the banking crash was a Labour...

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How should Labour engage with the Europe debate?

20 August 2015

For the next 18 months, Europe will dominate the national political conversation. What part Labour will play, however, is still up for grabs. Wary of sharing a platform with David Cameron after the Scottish independence referendum, some in the party...

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The real spirit of 1945: what Labour's next leader should take from Attlee

18 August 2015

As we approach the final stages of a Labour Party leadership contest which has often generated more heat than light, it is essential to consider the kind of vision a new leader could develop to secure victory in 2020 –...

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It's decision time - and here are their final pitches

14 August 2015

It’s been a long three months for Labour party supporters. Crushing electoral defeat followed by full-blown existential crisis is enough to fatigue even the most hardened enthusiasts. Add to the mix weeks of hand wringing over whether new members are...

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Labour must move beyond the austerity debate and provide an economic vision

14 August 2015

There has been much commentary on Jon Cruddas’ report about why Labour lost. For me, the central point is simple: we must move the debate beyond austerity and adopt an economic policy that can appeal across party lines and win...

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