The future of the left since 1884

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A new politics: Let’s give MPs a job description

17 October 2014

How will the new politics come about? What’ll be the big bang to bring about this brave new world? Will it be gender equality on the green benches? The first black prime minister? Or might it be something altogether more...

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One year on: Why a 2030 vision for public spending still matters

16 October 2014

Today marks one year since the publication of 2030 Vision the final report of the Fabian Society’s 2013 Commission on Future Spending Choices. Since then Ed Balls has announced fiscal rules which would enable the commission’s central proposals to be...

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Rising Voices: How feminism can open up politics

15 October 2014

It’s often said that David Cameron has a women problem but it might be fairer to say that women have a David Cameron problem. In the four short years since Cameron became prime minister his government’s austerity programme has had...

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Riding the New Wave

15 October 2014

This year, spurred on by social media and the effects of the recession, a new wave of feminism is continuing to gather strength at an impressive pace. Over 200,000 signatures have now gathered on the No More Page 3 petition...

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The future of apprenticeships is brighter than we think

14 October 2014

In a Guardian article published last week, Martin Bright, former political editor of the New Statesman and founder of youth employment charity The Creative Society, argues that our main political parties are ‘bullying’ young people into work. With recent announcements...

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No more 'business as usual': A new economy that works for all

10 October 2014

Britain needs radical economic change. Three decades of free-market fundamentalism have failed ordinary working people and created an economy that is unfair, unstable and unsustainable. You only have to look at the so-called recovery to see how lopsided the UK...

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