The future of the left since 1884

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A Convenient Truth

8 October 2014

Since the 1980s, progressive politics has been rudderless. Having lost its vision of how to create a qualitatively better society for everyone, radical politics has lacked idealism, a sense of purpose and the ability to inspire. As a result, politicians...

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A kip in the teeth: Labour is the only party that can bridge Britain’s great divides

8 October 2014

Next year’s election is Labour’s to lose. For the forthcoming Clacton byelection confirms both that UKIP will not implode before next May and that the Tories are more interested in ideological warfare than reaching out to undecided voters in marginal...

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Labour must reclaim the BBC's future from the Tories

6 October 2014

Sometimes, you have to feel sorry for BBC executives. No, really, you do. There they are, doing their best to ensure a future for their corporation and its anachronistic funding system, the TV licence. And then one of their most...

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Piecemeal tax reform is not enough

3 October 2014

During party conference Labour took a tough stance on taxation, but the party’s economic competency must be strengthened further by making the case for radical tax reform. Tax is on the agenda of both Labour and the Conservatives, but their...

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Revolt on the Left: Labour’s UKIP problem and how it can be overcome

3 October 2014

UKIP divides the Labour party internally. To date, senior Labour figures have been unable to agree whether a UKIP really problem exists and, if it does, how problematic it is likely to prove. In a new Fabian report, ‘Revolt on the...

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Diversity challenge: Can Labour still attract enough BME voters?

1 October 2014

The Labour party has always had a historically resilient and core ethnic minority vote – but although the party has often taken that vote for granted, it is increasingly at risk. This issue ties in with a greater one: how can...

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