The future of the left since 1884

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Labour's Britain: Energy efficient homes

23 September 2014

If we are to keep on anything like an achievable track to meet the carbon targets laid down by Labour’s own Climate Change Act in 2008, Labour will come to power facing an imperative to reduce carbon emissions by an...

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Labour's Britain: Education for all

23 September 2014

Something has to give in higher education funding. The current system might provide universities with enough funding, but leaves thousands of students with crippling debts, no guarantee of employment and years of paying back loans. Is that the kind of legacy...

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The world's dirtiest secret

23 September 2014

A Foreign Office official recently told me the world's dirtiest secret. Under his breath, he muttered to me: "I don't think we've got a cat in hell's chance of keeping the world under two degrees of global warming." As politicians and...

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Labour's Britain: Regulating private rents

23 September 2014

A lot is written about the housing crisis, but it’s not just a crisis for those who are homeless or those who are living in overcrowded slums. It’s a crisis for all of us. Decent homes make a decent society...

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Labour's Britain: Future digital

23 September 2014

The next government will be the most digital ever. But it will only be progressive if it’s a Labour government. Labour’s history, our roots, are in the empowerment of people. All too often government is something done to the people. Digital government must...

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Labour's Britain: Tackling the cover-up culture

22 September 2014

In recent times we have seen sickening revelations about physical abuse in care homes, neglect of hospital patients and sexual exploitation in children’s homes and elsewhere. For me, the most worrying aspects of these tragic events is how often the abuse...

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