The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

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European elections: Is Britain heading for the naughty step?

20 February 2014

If students of communications were looking for an example of a successful, long-running misinformation campaign, they would have to look no further but to the unfortunate alliance between Eurosceptics and the British tabloid press. Together these two have, apparently successfully, built...

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Labour’s public service reforms must pass the social justice test

19 February 2014

The realisation of social justice is one of the overarching goals of the labour movement. Some have perhaps taken their commitment to a little too far (who can forget David Miliband’s famous proclamation that ‘social justice gets me up in...

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Gentrification in Hackney: Renewal must include social mix

14 February 2014

Writing for the Guardian last week, Amelia Gentleman reported on the Hackney housing micro-boom that saw the average cost of a home in the east London borough exceed £500,000 for the first time in December. Growing up in Hackney, I’ve...

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Going spare: How to deal with under-occupancy

13 February 2014

The UK is in the grip of a housing crisis. This is nothing new; over the course of the second world war the UK lost almost half a million homes to a combination of the Blitz and doodlebug attacks. Add...

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The Hugo Young lecture: Why teachers and doctors know better

12 February 2014

You need to judge any contribution to debate about the future of public services by a ‘three Ps’ test. The first P is power, and in his Hugo Young lecture Ed Miliband passed with flying colours. A Labour government would stand...

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Movement politics and shared sacrifice: Understanding Miliband's Hugo Young lecture

11 February 2014

In the wake of Ed Miliband's foray into the ever-stormy waters of public service reform the analysis ranges from the inevitable Thatcher and Blair comparisons to meditations on how the speech represented either a "buried Fabianism" or that "dice are loaded...

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