The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

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How Labour can change Britain

7 March 2014

For the next 14 months everyone within Labour will be focused on keeping the party’s polling lead intact and winning in 2015. But a different disaster could unfold: Labour might come to power, govern badly and leave no impression at...

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Storify: Within Reach

6 March 2014

[View the story "Within Reach: The new politics of multiple needs and exclusions" on Storify]

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Within Reach: focusing on the person

6 March 2014

In 1839 Thomas Carlyle said “the condition of the great body of people in a country is the condition of the country itself”, and yet 175 years later we still fail too many people with multiple, complex needs who are...

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England Expects: The new English Deal

6 March 2014

Introduction – the problem For a variety of understandable and often justifiable reasons, the past century has seen British democracy become ever more centralised. In 1905 local authority spending made up 57 per cent of total public expenditure, with local spend...

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England expects: Restoring political communities

6 March 2014

Despite popular myth making by both its opponents and its allies, and the evidence of its record in government, the Labour party has not always been about a centralising, exclusively administrative approach to government. In many ways its origins are...

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European elections: Voter turnout and democratic burnout

4 March 2014

In 1989, the Social Democratic Party (SPD) in Germany had a campaign spot for the European elections which showed a group of young people full of optimism about the potential of Europe. Although it may appear a bit cheesy from...

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