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2014, Labour's year of...entrepreneurship

10 January 2014

2014 is going to be a crucial year for the Labour party, and for one nation Britain. As the economy emerges from three years of stagnation, Britain needs a growth strategy that goes beyond the short term. Labour has been undertaking...

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Labour's New Towns: Lessons from Milton Keynes

10 January 2014

Renewed interest in house building is an important aspect of boosting construction in a post-recession in economy. The drop in construction in the 2008 period was marked, yet it did not tell the whole story of Britain’s modern relationship with...

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2014, Labour's year of...commemoration

10 January 2014

As we focus our attention upon the centenary commemorations for the first world war next year, there are those who are already saying we should seek to answer the fundamental question of why Britain went to war in the first...

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Should we make landlords let to tenants on benefits?

9 January 2014

It was quite astounding to see Eric Pickles stand up in parliament during prime minister's questions yesterday and claim that landlords and letting agents do not advertise for non-DSS tenants. Were Mr Pickles to open his eyes he would see...

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2014, Labour's year of...workers on boards

9 January 2014

I am a proud trade unionist and have been fighting for workers rights since long before I came into Parliament. There is always a role to be played by trade unions in negotiating with management on behalf of their member. Countries...

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Pressures on A&E prove we need integrated care

8 January 2014

My alarm is a clock radio. I am woken up by the Today programme, and as I doze in bed there is always a special joy in my heart when I realise that they are running a health story. This...

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