The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

The latest news, analysis and opinion from the Fabian Society including highlights from the Fabian Review and web-exclusive commentary and insight.

Why Scotland's white paper missed the mark

28 November 2013

As Alex Salmond launched the white paper this week, he proclaimed that it was a “mission statement and a prospectus for the kind of country we should be and which this government believes we can be.” Now, I am a self-confessed...

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Immigration: Learning from the local

27 November 2013

As David Cameron sets out more benefit restrictions on EU migrants today, he responds to genuine anxiety in Britain about the numbers of Romanians and Bulgarians who might come to the UK in 2014. But those of us on the left can...

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The loan danger: Capping payday lending isn't enough

26 November 2013

George Osborne’s astounding U-turn on a payday loan costs cap was greeted with glee from the left and confusion from the right. It is a victory for the legal loan sharks campaigners, but it isn’t complete. The growth in payday lending has...

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How the Big Six fuels winter deaths

26 November 2013

The topics of energy prices, fuel poverty and the big six energy companies have filled newspaper headlines for weeks so it may come as no surprise that today hundreds of people have gathered in Central London, Oxford and Bristol for...

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Why are there still so few women in science?

25 November 2013

Why aren't there more women in STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and maths), and why do their numbers decline as they progress further up the academic career ladder? The Science and Technology Select Committee has been considering this problem, along...

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Reform the contract between NHS and the people

25 November 2013

I’ll dare to say it: amid concerns that the government is selling off parts of the NHS and privatising the service through the back door, the NHS has become the best business opportunity in Britain today. The National Health Service is...

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