The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

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Police and crime commissioners: One year on

15 November 2013

You don’t need to look far to establish the reasons for a low turnout for the police and crime commissioner elections last year. Like most days in mid-November, today is cold and wet, yet this is the day the coalition...

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Representation: Engaging women in politics

13 November 2013

Last week, Fiona Woolf became the second female Lord Mayor of the City of London in the 800 year history of the office. She will oversee 3,500 staff that promote financial services based in the square mile. Woolf has chosen...

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Rejuvenation: Engaging young people in politics

12 November 2013

It is often said that young people are disinterested or disengaged with politics in the UK. This is only partly true. The turnout of young people (18-24 year olds) has fallen significantly over recent decades to well under fifty percent...

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A fight for parity: Channel 4's Bedlam and mental health

11 November 2013

“This is my life.” “I’m scared.” “I love it here. You get so much support and help.” These powerful, lasting words were three of the things uttered in the second episode of Channel 4’s Bedlam on crisis care last week. These...

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The uses of euphemism

8 November 2013

Gareth Myatt died while being forcibly restrained by three prison officers at Rainsbrook Secure Training Centre near Rugby.  He died because, although he complained he couldn’t breathe, officers kept his body restricted in a hold called the ‘Seated Double Embrace’. ...

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The North East needs an Oyster-style system

8 November 2013

Across the country, families are facing huge pressure on household budgets. Labour has set out how we would freeze energy bills, support employers to pay a living wage and take action to cap rail fares. But in my constituency in Sunderland, as in many parts...

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