The future of the left since 1884

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Review: One Nation: Power, Hope, Community

5 November 2013

‘It’s all about power.  Who’s got it.  Who knows how to use it’  - Buffy Summers Reading through the essays in ‘One Nation: Power, Hope, Community’ it's clear that Ed Miliband's concept of one nation not only aims to set out...

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Invest in the future

4 November 2013

This morning’s Financial Times has a big story on the decline in US public sector capital investment, including some eye-catching graphs. The article reveals that US gross investment has fallen to 3.6 per cent compared to a post war average...

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2030 Vision and disability

1 November 2013

On Wednesday Sue Marsh reviewed ‘2030 Vision’ and called into question the approach the Fabian commission took to supporting disabled people. Our report has two time frames: it looked at the first few years of the next parliament; and at the...

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Three things that really matter to teachers

1 November 2013

There is a gap between political debate about education and what teachers experience at the chalkface. Political discussion seems to constantly centre on types of schools, the difficulty level of exams and the influence of teaching unions. However, from my...

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Raise the minimum wage

30 October 2013

Today I am leading a debate in parliament on the future of the national minimum wage - perhaps the most durable legacy of the last Labour government. Growing up in Glasgow, the real-life experiences of people paid less than a...

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A response to 2030 Vision

30 October 2013

Last week, eagle-eyed welfare warriors spotted ‘2030 Vision’ by the Fabian Future Spending Choices Commission, an independent analysis of where spending priorities – and indeed cuts – should fall until 2030. A lot of the report is good. I agree with...

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