The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

The latest news, analysis and opinion from the Fabian Society including highlights from the Fabian Review and web-exclusive commentary and insight.

Scrapping green levies won’t help the fuel poor

24 October 2013

Much of the debate on energy prices has focused on the role that so-called ‘green levies’ have played in contributing to rising costs, as we saw in David Cameron’s announcements yesterday. Back in party conference season there were already indications that...

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Five of the best environment speeches

24 October 2013

For those who attended this week's Green Growth conference at the Trade Unions Congress (TUC) a rare treat was on offer. Among the useful and insightful presentations by scientists explaining the latest data trends was an inspirational speech given by John...

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The inequality of happiness

23 October 2013

On Friday the Office for National Statistics (ONS) will publish its latest GDP estimates, which many economists expect to show a marked improvement in UK growth. Not so very long ago an orthodox, if not unarguable, view was that improved...

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We all make mistakes: Legal aid under threat

23 October 2013

Many of the children and young people our legal team work with have made terrible mistakes. That is not to belittle the impact of those mistakes on their victims. A great number of the children I have worked for have...

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Silencing society: The dangers of the lobbying bill

22 October 2013

Adversity makes strange bedfellows. The old proverb isn’t wrong. In the ongoing debate on the lobbying bill which continues in the House of Lords today, the alliances formed to defend civil society’s free speech have ranged from the strange to...

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Crosland and one nation Labour

21 October 2013

Critics of Labour’s time in government are often heard describing new Labour as Croslandite, and they don’t mean it as a compliment. The argument goes that the 1997-2010 government embodied three failings that came straight from Tony Crosland: the pursuit of...

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