The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

The latest news, analysis and opinion from the Fabian Society including highlights from the Fabian Review and web-exclusive commentary and insight.

How to future-proof the union

20 September 2013

There is a year to go until the Scots vote on whether to remain in the UK. What is increasingly clear though, is that a ‘no’ vote would not be the end of the story – with all three unionist...

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All of our business

19 September 2013

We know what we are against, but what are we for? Ed Miliband struck a chord with many people when he contrasted the evils of ‘predatory capitalism’ with the virtues of ‘productive capitalism’. Almost all of us hate the banks’...

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Why it matters: A new social contract

19 September 2013

Amidst the torrent of questions for the Labour Party, this one certainly stands out. How do we ensure that the people we seek to represent believe that politics matters – and that Labour politics will make a difference to their...

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Meeting the mental health challenge

18 September 2013

This week the Centre for Mental Health, along with five other national mental health charities launched their mental health challenge to councils in England. Islington Council in north London was one of the first 10 local authorities to sign up....

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Why it matters: Shaping the educational landscape

18 September 2013

When Labour returns to power in 2015 they will inherit an education service that is fractured and competitive. Michael Gove's great experiment will leave a legacy of individual and chains of academies, free schools, trust schools, maintained schools and everything...

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Why it matters: Regulating private rents

17 September 2013

The word ‘home’ means more than just a roof over your head; it means security, a place of safety, a sense of belonging. But for a large percentage of people now living in insecure private rented accommodation their home provides...

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