The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

The latest news, analysis and opinion from the Fabian Society including highlights from the Fabian Review and web-exclusive commentary and insight.

Fabian Summer Conference: Early Bird Ticket Offier

24 May 2013

This exclusive early bird offer is only available to people who have recently purchased tickets for Fabian events and allows you to buy a ticket for our Summer Conference on July 6th at last year's prices. Update: The early bird ticket...

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Keep the living wage alive

23 May 2013

More needs to be done to raise the living standards of Britain’s five million low-paid workers. Yet so far, rather than addressing the problem of low pay directly, policy responses – whether it is Labour’s pledge to reintroduce a 10p...

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If these walls could talk

22 May 2013

Fabian members will probably know by now that the Fabian Society is moving from its Westminster offices at 11 Dartmouth Street to new premises just around the corner, in Petty France. You might, as I do, have mixed feelings about...

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Pressures on the health and social care system

20 May 2013

If a better system is thine, impart it; if not, make use of mine’ Horace This week the College of Emergency Medicine highlighted the challenges facing emergency departments across the country with unsustainable workloads and staffing shortages. Whilst the design, funding...

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The 2013 local elections in key constituencies

20 May 2013

Introduction This short paper, based on data, examines how the marginal constituencies which will decide the next General Election voted in the 2013 local elections. The 2013 elections took place for the most part in the least Labour-inclined parts of England. They...

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Where we want to be

16 May 2013

They say that when you know you’re going to die, you don’t remember the deadlines or the car you had, you don’t wish you’d worked harder or saved more or eaten more fibre – you remember the kisses, the long...

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