The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

The latest news, analysis and opinion from the Fabian Society including highlights from the Fabian Review and web-exclusive commentary and insight.

University, but what next?

22 March 2013

A generation ago, school leavers chose to go to university giving considerable thought to what they would enjoy studying for three years and perhaps less thought to where it might lead them in terms of a career. In the majority...

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Budget 2013: LIVE BLOG

20 March 2013

13.46: That brings the Budget to a close, check back at the Fabian Review for a round-up and responses. Thanks 13.44: Housing completions now at their lowest levels since the 1920s, the result of a 'failing economic plan from a failing...

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A diverse banking system

15 March 2013

Ever since the failure of Northern Rock in 2007, it has been clear that the UK’s banking system is not working. A crisis in the banking system led to a collapse in GDP, a large rise in unemployment and the...

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Busting the mythbuster myth

12 March 2013

There is rarely a day that goes by when the following cry isn't heard: 'Voters are woefully misinformed on this issue, we need to educate them and dispel these myths!' If you assumed I was referring to social security, immigration,...

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Dilnot diluted

8 March 2013

Jeremy Hunt’s recent announcement about social care funding has been met with a mixture of cautious relief that something is being done to tackle the crisis, and disappointment that Dilnot’s more generous proposals are not being fully implemented. Social care funding...

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A green and pleasant land?

8 March 2013

The abortive attempt by the coalition government to sell of the nation’s forests, the closure of many libraries and significant reductions to arts funding have caused considerable public anger. The cultural fabric of local communities across Britain is being eroded...

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