The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

The latest news, analysis and opinion from the Fabian Society including highlights from the Fabian Review and web-exclusive commentary and insight.


The people's champion

20 February 2020

PAULINE BRYAN: Keir Hardie played a towering role in the foundation of the Labour party. Here's what his story can tell us today.

Continue Reading Labour party / Class

Labour for all ages

18 February 2020

SAM DALTON: Labour must address its generational imbalance and win older voters to stand any chance of success.

Continue Reading Labour party / Elections

Opening doors

14 February 2020

CAMERON BOYLE: More needs to be done to achieve equality in the workplace.

Continue Reading Diversity / Economy

Core changes

6 February 2020

JESSIE JOE JACOBS: With the right approach, Labour can rekindle its relationship with working-class northern voters.

Continue Reading Labour party / Elections / Democracy

Abolish or reform?

5 February 2020

PATRICIA WALKER: We should tax private schools and remove their charity status.

Continue Reading Education / Class

From the grassroots

3 February 2020

SARA HYDE: Shared expertise and resilience are key to addressing the scourge of violence on our streets

Continue Reading Crime / Poverty / Inequality

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