The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

The latest news, analysis and opinion from the Fabian Society including highlights from the Fabian Review and web-exclusive commentary and insight.


Work in progress

15 June 2023

JAMES COLDWELL: Labour has a bold story to tell on workers' rights

Continue Reading Work / Trade unions / Economy

A National Care Service for all

8 June 2023

The Fabian Society publishes a comprehensive plan for how to deliver on the Labour party’s ambition to create a National Care Service in England

Continue Reading Social Care
Book review

For the few

5 June 2023

IGGY WOOD: A new book on modern capitalism asks political and economic elites to reform themselves

Continue Reading Populism / Brexit / Democracy

The right beat

2 June 2023

JONATHAN HINDER: Labour can take the lead on policing and crime

Continue Reading Crime

A precious resource

31 May 2023

SASJKIA OTTO: the poorest in our society are not just at the bottom of the pile financially. They are also short of another valuable commodity - time.

Continue Reading Economy / Inequality / Public Services

The green blueprint

23 May 2023

TESSA KHAN: Fossil fuel dependence is harming us and the planet

Continue Reading Environment

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