The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

The latest news, analysis and opinion from the Fabian Society including highlights from the Fabian Review and web-exclusive commentary and insight.

Labour has never been a pacifist party - we shouldn't start now

28 September 2015

Although we face at least another five years in opposition, Labour – if we are smart – can play an important role in shaping the security, defence and international policies of our country. Not least because the Tories are bitterly...

Continue Reading Facing the Future

Listen again: How can Labour win back older voters?

27 September 2015

As part of the Fabian Fringe, we brought together Caroline Flint MP, Caroline Abrahams of Age UK, Andrew Harrop and YouGov's Peter Kellner to discuss how Labour can regain trust among older voters. Catch up on what was said below,...

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Ivan Lewis: What 14 years on the frontbench taught me

27 September 2015

My fourteen years as a member of Labour’s Frontbench came to an end with a text message. It would be easy to use this as a moment for bitterness and rancour; instead, it provides an opportunity to share some of what...

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Labour will never return to power unless it wins over older voters

27 September 2015

Amid all the dozens of election post-mortems, one simple truth is hiding in plain sight. The reason that Ed Miliband is not prime minister today, is because Labour was rejected by older people. And until the Labour party wins back...

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The Art of Opposition series

26 September 2015

Political cross-dressing: Tess Lanning says the revival of compassionate conservatism means that Labour will have to move out of its comfort zone. Show and tell: Helen Hayes, MP for Dulwich and West Norwood, and member of the Communities and Local Government select committee,...

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It will be women who shape Jeremy Corbyn's 'new politics'

26 September 2015

Jeremy Corbyn’s election gave him an overwhelming mandate, and ushers in a new and exciting period for the Labour Party. Thousands have joined in recent months, with many more coming on board since he became leader, all attracted by the...

Continue Reading Facing the Future / Women

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