The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

The latest news, analysis and opinion from the Fabian Society including highlights from the Fabian Review and web-exclusive commentary and insight.


The Local Health Service?

15 July 2015

To succeed over the next 10 years,the National Health Service must also be a local health service. A public service dedicated to the health and wellbeing of every person in England cannot be run as a bureaucratic offshoot of Whitehall....

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News: Elections for Fabian, Young Fabian and Fabian Women executives

7 July 2015

The Fabian Society is proud to be a democratically governed, member-led society. Our executive committee is elected by all members every two years. The next election takes place in September and we warmly welcome new applicants. Elections for the Young...

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Fiscal responsibility and Labour’s modernisation

26 June 2015

This article is a continuation of an essay published on Fabian Review by the same authors two weeks ago (Labour’s Future: a Tale of Two Political Economies). It expands on the conclusions, arguing that Labour's revival requires a modernisation that uses...

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Fabian delegates explore Labour's 2020 challenge

15 June 2015

Despite the sombre context, this summer’s Fabian conference was full of strong ideas for how the left might go forward. And while our speakers promoted a range of options, our delegates also had the chance to express their ideas for...

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Long read

Labour’s future: A tale of two political economies

12 June 2015

It is an indictment that in 2015, as it looks ahead to 2020, Labour is still trying to make sense of the events of 2007. Our leadership election looks set to be cautious and predictable – a phoney war which...

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How Ilford North was won

11 June 2015

It’s past three in the morning on May 8th. Numb shock has replaced the disbelief that greeted the terrible exit poll showing the Conservatives headed for victory. For the past five hours my fellow campaigners and I have sat in...

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