The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

The latest news, analysis and opinion from the Fabian Society including highlights from the Fabian Review and web-exclusive commentary and insight.


Labour and Europe: A time for conviction

4 March 2015

In his speech at the Labour party conference in September 2014, Ed Miliband said: Better together, across the United Kingdom. But also better together, true to our traditions of internationalism. And nowhere is this more true than when it comes to...

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Inequality 2030

25 February 2015

The UK has faced almost 10 years of falling living standards. Projections say poverty and inequality are on the rise. And there is still a huge hole in the public finances which limits, for now, the scope for public spending...

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Is a constructive relationship with China possible?

24 February 2015

China is now the world’s second largest economy measured by GDP. If measured on the basis of purchasing parity it is the largest. Its growth has slowed slightly, but in the last ten years it still on average exceeded 10...

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Mind the justice gap: The abuses British companies get away with overseas

23 February 2015

Today the Global Law Summit opens in London. This high profile conference, backed by the government, brings together lawyers and business people to commemorate 800 years since Magna Carta – and to do a bit of public relations on behalf...

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Review: The Nye and Clem story

20 February 2015

I cannot claim to have known Aneurin Bevan, though I met him once and must have heard him speak a dozen times, including his great Trafalgar Square speech during the Suez War, and his final Labour Party conference speech after...

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Taking back control

19 February 2015

Consensus is building across the political spectrum around the need for a permanent solution to the problem of increasingly unaffordable energy bills in the UK. While some have suggested that green policies are to blame for the increasing costs, the main...

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