The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

The latest news, analysis and opinion from the Fabian Society including highlights from the Fabian Review and web-exclusive commentary and insight.


Common Ground?

5 February 2015

The final months of the coalition government have seen an upsurge in interest in the future possibilities offered by the outcome of the next general election. The prospects for various alternate political alliances in May 2015 dominate our media and the...

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Why we should empower communities to protect nature

4 February 2015

The rise in Green party membership has been big political news recently, putting environmental issues firmly on the election map. And while many appear to be drawn to the Green party’s apparent commitment to equality and fairness, as well as...

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Not-for-profits and the NHS

27 January 2015

As expected, Andy Burnham’s Ten Year Plan for Health and Care today confirmed that under Labour NHS institutions will be the ‘preferred provider’. The party is clear that if it wins power, the Lansley experiment is over and independent services...

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The link between ideas and action

27 January 2015

Political conferences all have their own brands, and their own ideas to promote. The very best will be designed to address fundamental and current questions of debate, key choices we need to make as a society and the principles guiding those...

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Breaking the cycle: How to make the case for radical prison reform

26 January 2015

Against a backdrop of persistently high reoffending rates and the current mess being made of a world-respected probation service, steps in the right direction are emerging from the shadow justice team that should break into a confident stride come May. We...

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The reasons Labour is committed to constitutional reform

26 January 2015

Constitutional reform is a policy area that encompasses a wide range of challenges. There are classically thorny issues of our democratic settlement, such as reform of the House of Lords. There are the practicalities of our democracy, such as voter...

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