The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

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Time for Labour to lead on clean air

11 July 2014

Air pollution kills 29,000 people every year in the UK, according to Public Health England. So clean air ought to be a political priority. But it isn’t. Fortunately, those nasty Brussels bureaucrats are trying to protect public health. In December 2013...

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Five ways Labour will strengthen communities

11 July 2014

Some people say we’re losing our sense of community spirit. That’s just not true. Across the country there are 20 million people that volunteer in their local areas. In the last few days I’ve met people running grassroots sports clubs,...

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How the politics of flooding is shifting

10 July 2014

A week is a long time in politics, they say - so six months is clearly an absolute aeon. Six months have now elapsed since Britain suffered the wettest winter ever that saw 7800 homes flooded and thousands more evacuated from...

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White van plan: Can the Tories oust Labour as the workers' party?

9 July 2014

Britain needs a new party to stand up for the interests of working people. In 1900, the Labour party was created to ensure a fair deal for workers. But modern Labour has moved away from workers with their credo of...

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Living on borrowed time? The vital data that everyone is ignoring

7 July 2014

The UK reached a significant macroeconomic anniversary at the end of last year: the country's consecutive deficit on the current account turned 30 years old. Once was the time when ‘balance of payments’ issues of this kind mattered politically. But...

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Into the powerhouse: The growing inequalities of ‘recovery’ Britain

4 July 2014

There was a copy of the London Evening Standard waiting for me on the table as I slumped down on the train to St Pancras. The headline snapped at me: ‘LONDON: THE £12BN TECH POWERHOUSE’. “London’s booming tech industry ,” it...

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