The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

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Democracy Without Walls

28 May 2014

That contemporary democracies are increasingly characterised by popular disaffection towards political elites has been widely noted now for a number of years. But the impact of this disaffection has changed. Whilst it was relatively benign and passive before the global...

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No Complacency

27 May 2014

Dear Ed, I have seldom seen a set of local elections about which so much rubbish has been talked, even if the 2014 results were a particularly confusing mixed bag. The media commentary that Labour had done appallingly was initially badly overdone,...

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Time for Labour to take on UKIP

27 May 2014

Even before a single vote was cast in Thursday’s election, it was clear that UKIP would clean up. That the party has not made a more significant impact on the council landscape is mainly due to the UK’s first past...

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Health and care: Valuing our Allied Health Professionals

27 May 2014

Labour’s health and care policy acknowledges the importance of the NHS to British society, while also recognising that there is a need for change in some areas in order for the NHS to continue to meet the increasing and diverse...

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Health and care: My life as an anonymous carer

22 May 2014

Hello, my name is Simon and I am a carer. 31st May, 2005. That’s my carer date. At the time of writing this, I have been caring for my wife, who has progressive MS, for just short of nine years. I’ve...

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Health and care: Recognition is not enough

20 May 2014

The first carer I knew of was my mum.  When my Granny was diagnosed with cancer in her early sixties, my mum stopped working and for almost 18 months spent increasing periods of time caring in Newcastle, while my sister...

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