The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

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Making work pay: The story so far

11 February 2014

The economy is growing, but where are the celebrations? The recent preliminary GDP figures showed 0.7 per cent growth in the last quarter of 2013, but the response has been muted. Business secretary Vince Cable pre-empted the figures by declaring...

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Responsible capitalism in a globalised world

11 February 2014

In the Fabian Society’s new foreign policy pamphlet ‘One nation in the world’ I wrote about the need for a more joined-up government infrastructure to achieve our foreign policy objectives. This included a rallying call for greater consistency between our...

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Putting the public into public services

10 February 2014

Peter Kellner has written of late on how policies themselves do not necessarily have to be popular. They have to be believed. They have to be credible. The example given by Kellner was that the 50p tax announcement by Ed...

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In defence of the Environment Agency: the truth about flooding

10 February 2014

Behind the current government infighting over who is responsible for responding to the flood crisis lies the wettest winter for a century. This record rainfall is not an isolated incident: in 2012 we had a drought followed by the wettest...

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Who will speak for England?

6 February 2014

2014 will be a year when identity matters. The solemn commemoration of the first world war centenary will be a reminder of much shared British history, for good or ill. The immediate decision as to whether Britons will have a...

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The real reasons to value transport infrastructure

4 February 2014

With the political progress of HS2 being closely tracked, and the recent output of the Davies Commission and the Armitt Review, a great number of column inches are being devoted to debating the future of major transport infrastructure provision in...

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