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2014, Labour's year of...Industrial policy

24 January 2014

A telephone conversation with a constituent over the summer offered a clear insight into what has gone wrong with the labour market since the Great Recession hit in 2008/9. It demonstrated to me the scale of the policy challenge the...

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Salmond won't address inequality inside Scotland's borders

22 January 2014

This year in Scotland, the division between ‘nationalists’ and ‘unionists’ is the one that will dominate our political debate. But for those of us who care deeply about Scotland and our country’s future, this should be deeply worrying. And for...

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2014, Labour's year of...Winning the welfare debate

22 January 2014

Labour holds a solid poll lead over the Tories as we head into 2014 and the electorate has bought into our agenda on improving their standards of living by putting money back into their pockets. This is a good foundation...

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Labour's New Towns: Back to the numbers game?

21 January 2014

New towns were invented in Britain, and the concept has since spread across the globe. Many, if not all, of the original motivations for building them are still with us today, and recently the concept has come back into vogue...

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Labour used to pioneer Black MPs - what happened?

21 January 2014

‘No taxation without representation’ is a well-known slogan. The Black population continues to pay their taxes but remain underrepresented as senior managers in both public and private sector organisations, the political and legal sphere, and higher positions in universities. It is...

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The Golden Temple raid: British Sikhs in shock

20 January 2014

Rarely does the release of government documents under the 30-year rule cause any community in the UK to question its own identity and result in front-page headlines internationally. But the revelations of two letters dated February 1984 from the Foreign and Commonwealth...

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