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2014, Labour's year of...Tackling zero hours contracts

3 January 2014

Better jobs and more secure work are vital to tackling the cost of living crisis facing families across Britain. In our lives work gives us purpose and a sense of worth, and most importantly helps us pay the bills that...

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Zero hours contracts: a symptom, not the disease

3 January 2014

As my only direct experience of life on a zero hours contract is a brief period some 30 years ago as a manager of front-line staff employed almost exclusively (then and now) on such contracts, I hesitate to take issue...

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Class wars

3 January 2014

Mary Riddell speaks to Tristram Hunt and finds that the Labour party has not only a new shadow education secretary to flesh out the least developed area of Labour’s policy prospectus, but a fully signed-up outrider for Milibandism Is the Labour...

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2014, Labour's year of...reducing energy poverty

2 January 2014

Since Ed Miliband announced Labour’s plan for a 20 month energy price freeze at Labour conference in Brighton energy has never strayed far from the top of the political agenda. Freezing prices for 20 months, whilst we implement our broader package...

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2014, Labour's year of...Fighting energy poverty

2 January 2014

Since Ed Miliband announced Labour’s plan for a 20 month energy price freeze at Labour conference in Brighton energy has never strayed far from the top of the political agenda. Freezing prices for 20 months, whilst we implement our broader package...

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Back to year zero: the truth about zero hours contracts

2 January 2014

At long last, the exploitative nature of zero hours contracts is out in the open. But although they have become widely discussed by politicians and the news media, I am not sure that either side of the political divide has...

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