The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

The latest news, analysis and opinion from the Fabian Society including highlights from the Fabian Review and web-exclusive commentary and insight.

Long read

Standing up for women

17 February 2022

HARRIET HARMAN MP: The next Labour administration should be a government of and for women

Continue Reading Women / Labour party

A positive impact

9 February 2022

STANISLAV IVANOV: Automation can benefit workers and businesses in tourism and hospitality

Continue Reading Tourism / Technology

Seeking change

8 February 2022

AMREEN QURESHI: In this hostile environment, we must better support women with insecure immigration status

Continue Reading Human rights / Women

A safe haven

7 February 2022

ASHLEY DALTON: If Labour is to transform the country, women must be at the heart of the party

Continue Reading Women / Labour party

A turn for the worse

3 February 2022

CATRIN HUGHES: Stark health inequalities exist not only between men and women, but amongst women too

Continue Reading Health / Women / Inequality

A wake-up call

31 January 2022

JOE VINSON: Labour has a proud history on LGBT+ equality but is our own house really in order?

Continue Reading Inequality / Labour party

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