The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

The latest news, analysis and opinion from the Fabian Society including highlights from the Fabian Review and web-exclusive commentary and insight.


Labour’s emerging electoral coalition

14 January 2022

ANDREW HARROP: New Fabian Society research suggests Labour is doing well - but the party must not get complacent.

Continue Reading Elections

Centre stage

12 January 2022

TRACY BRABIN is the first woman to be elected as a metro mayor. She chats to Kate Murray about her top priorities in office, from safety for women and girls to standing up for the north

Continue Reading Women / Inequality

Exploring the options

11 January 2022

TOM BAUM: Better pay and conditions for workers can improve the UK’s tourism industry

Continue Reading Tourism / Employment
Long read

A numbers game

4 January 2022

The capital has a housing emergency. Christopher Worrall looks into solutions.

Continue Reading Housing

Tracking the impact

28 December 2021

GRAHAM WHITHAM: It is time for more Labour councils to better track the impact of their policies on those living in poverty.

Continue Reading Poverty / Inequality

Moving the marginals

19 December 2021

A nationwide Fabian / YouGov poll indicates Labour is ahead in a group of 125 target seats it needs to win in England and Wales

Continue Reading Elections / Labour party

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