The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

The latest news, analysis and opinion from the Fabian Society including highlights from the Fabian Review and web-exclusive commentary and insight.

Giving a voice to apprentices

15 November 2012

Last year, the Campaign for Learning did a piece of research for Pearson into why some employers don’t get involved with apprenticeships. The results were pretty depressing. The in-depth telephone interviews we did revealed several reasons why some employers hadn’t...

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The last of the one nation Tories

14 November 2012

He might not know it, but Matthew D’Ancona is – at least if you are a Labour supporter – one of the most dangerous men in Britain.  That’s because, along with other journalists like Danny Finkelstein, Ian Birrell, and Peter...

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A one nation Labour for the British people

13 November 2012

Two and a half years into this Tory led government, it is already clear that the Britain Labour hopes to govern in 2015 will be divided at home and diminished abroad. Irrespective of GDP figures, which are likely to be volatile...

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One nation series

13 November 2012

Ed Miliband’s 'one nation' speech at 2012 Labour party conference sent ripples through the party, across Westminster and beyond. In this series a range of contributors look at the issue of one nation and explore what it means for Labour, what...

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Beware of zombies

12 November 2012

In recent years the public sector has been attacked by a virulent bug called neophilia, defined in my medical dictionary as a fixation with the new, the trendy, the ‘transformative’. The dictionary adds: neophilia is a disease preceded by acute...

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The rarest of birds

9 November 2012

Since the financial crisis many have questioned the purpose of economics. With so much of the value created during the pre-crash years now seemingly lost it feels meaningful to ask ‘What is economics for?’ Amidst the soul-searching few would disagree...

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