The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

The latest news, analysis and opinion from the Fabian Society including highlights from the Fabian Review and web-exclusive commentary and insight.

A clear plate means a clear conscience

8 November 2012

Food is a profoundly political issue. In the not too distant past, the lack of food was a pressing concern for social justice campaigners. Indeed the rationing of food was a central issue during the 1951 election in which the...

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Why progressives should not favour EU budget cuts

7 November 2012

We are now close to the final negotiation on the multiannual financial framework (MFF) of the EU for 2014–2020. A summit will be held on the 22nd November in Brussels. As always in European policies, and as always right before...

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Apprenticeships: the ethnic minority gap

6 November 2012

Despite their high unemployment rates, ethnic minority young people are far less likely to have a place on an apprenticeship than white young people. Given the need to tackle the unacceptably high unemployment rates of this group, along with the...

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It’s Game Day

6 November 2012

Election day. When all the clever maths, long hours and fevered speculation* comes to a close and all that there is to do is make calls and knock on doors. Since my first US campaign for Al Gore in Pennsylvania, and...

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The business case for apprenticeships

5 November 2012

Heathrow Airport is one of the largest employment sites in the UK and apprenticeships are vital to our plans for the future. Over 75,000 staff are employed at Heathrow, 10 per cent work for us as the airport operator, the...

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The changing messages of Team Obama

2 November 2012

Like many politicos I have a collection of maxims that guide my political analysis. Two of my favourites are 'change beats experience' and its counterpart: 'attack can beat change'. Together they have been the frame that has dominated the Obama/Romney contest...

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