The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

The latest news, analysis and opinion from the Fabian Society including highlights from the Fabian Review and web-exclusive commentary and insight.

The case for contribution

11 October 2012

Winning public support for spending on benefits will not simply be a matter of some new eye-catching policy proposals. First the whole debate on benefits needs re-framing. There is a growing belief that poverty is due more to individual failings...

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Summon the courage to free our cities

10 October 2012

Changing the shape of Britain is difficult when you have dug yourself into a hole, and there is no clear direction to take. After misguided property investment by American and British banks almost brought the world’s financial system down, it...

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David Cameron – you are no Bill Clinton

10 October 2012

The bar had been set high for David Cameron this morning: first by Ed and then by Boris. He knew he would be judged both by style and substance. And yet not unlike another leader mired in his own data...

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How to achieve a deeper democracy

10 October 2012

The recent Fabian Society/YouGov study painted a revealing picture of public perceptions of politics and politicians. It was striking that almost a third of people surveyed agreed with the statement that ‘Politics is a game played by an out of...

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Reviving universal credit

10 October 2012

Many people may remain unaware of the seismic reforms to the benefits system due to be rolled out from October next year and many of the finer details have yet to be ironed out but the public debate about universal...

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Political education for political engagement

10 October 2012

The recent Fabian/YouGov polling, of people who do not vote, paints a bleak picture of this disengaged society. The findings have implications that go far beyond the political sphere, though. Not voting is a symptom of fragmentation of culture: it...

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