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Labour Party General Secretary, Iain McNicol Speech at the Fabian Society Summer Conference: Full Text

2 July 2012

Speech by Iain McNicol General Secretary of the Labour Party Fabian Society, London Saturday 30th June 2012 Thank you Friends, I am delighted to open this important Fabian summer conference. That you have the leader, deputy leader, policy review co-ordinator and so many shadow ministers...

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Ed Miliband's speech at Fabian Society Summer Conference: Full Text

2 July 2012

It's a great pleasure to be here at the Fabians. I am looking forward to our conversation. But before that I want to say a few words about this moment. For too long, we have had an economy that works for a few...

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Fabian Summer Conference: LIVE BLOG

30 June 2012

1740: we've got to have the courage of our convictions, represent the whole of the country and be clear in our message: vision, values and vehicle. And with that the conference is over. Thanks to everyone who came and anyone who...

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Stepping up, not stepping back

27 June 2012

To succeed in Labour’s political project – of rising and shared wealth – we must rethink the relationship between governments and markets. There must be a greater consistency between the progressive ends that we seek and the means that we...

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The Shape of Things to Come

26 June 2012

After the 1970s it was inevitable that the Conservative party would move away from the tight relationship between business, state and unions of the postwar consensus, but it was Margaret Thatcher who made it Thatcherite. In the 1990s Labour was...

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Taking the heat out of the immigration debate

25 June 2012

Immigration played a key part in Labour’s defeat in 2010, becoming the frame through which many people comprehended and linked together a vortex of economic and social anxieties. Before the election, Ipsos MORI found that just six per cent of...

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