The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

The latest news, analysis and opinion from the Fabian Society including highlights from the Fabian Review and web-exclusive commentary and insight.


Planning for Power

23 January 2024

Fabian Society general secretary ANDREW HARROP launches a new series of articles on the challenges facing a future Labour government.

Continue Reading Labour party / Public Services

Change in the Time of Scarcity

23 January 2024

In the first of a series of articles exploring the dilemmas facing Labour as the party prepares to enter government, ANDREW HARROP sets out how a Starmer administration could change Britain without spending public money

Continue Reading Public Services

International Rescue

22 January 2024

NICK WESTCOTT: In an increasingly precarious world, Labour must be ready for the foreign policy challenges ahead

Continue Reading Foreign policy / Labour party

Peer pressure

16 January 2024

Alf Dubs talks to IGGY WOOD about asylum seekers, the Parthenon marbles and holding the government to account

Continue Reading Human rights / Democracy / Labour party

Slow and Steady

4 January 2024

PAUL RICHARDS looks back on 140 years of Fabianism

Continue Reading Fabian Society
Long read

Pathway to Peace

21 December 2023

DR BRIAN CAUL - those planning for a united Ireland should revisit federalism

Continue Reading Democracy / Northern Ireland

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