The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

The latest news, analysis and opinion from the Fabian Society including highlights from the Fabian Review and web-exclusive commentary and insight.


An inclusive recovery

9 April 2020

RAYHAN HAQUE: The economic victims of coronavirus need a job guarantee.

Continue Reading Work / Economy

A divided county

8 April 2020

BEN COOPER: The government’s flawed approach to devolution in Yorkshire risks holding the entire county – and country – back.

Continue Reading Devolution / Conservatives / Economy

The two crises of our time

3 April 2020

BETH FARHAT: The TUC and unions are protecting workers, families and our economy through the coronavirus crisis. We stand ready to do the same with climate change.

Continue Reading Health / Environment / Class / Work

Playing our part

1 April 2020

MARTIN EDOBOR: With question marks over the government's handling of Covid-19, Labour’s new leader must rapidly push the government to improve its response.

Continue Reading Labour party / Health / Conservatives

Righting wrongs

31 March 2020

MINNIE RAHMAN: The government must implement all recommendations from the Windrush review - which has lessons for Labour too.

Continue Reading Conservatives / Immigration / Human rights / Labour party / Race
Long read

Science and socialism

27 March 2020

JOE BUCKLEY: In the face of the coronavirus crisis, strong opposition is needed more than ever. Labour must engage with scientists to hold the government to account.

Continue Reading Class / Conservatives / Labour party / Health

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