Spring 2020
Take a look at our latest magazine and publications.
Stepping Up: The new Labour leader in a crisis-hit world.
This edition of the Fabian Review looks at Labour’s new leader in a crisis-hit world featuring Tim Heppell, Anneliese Dodds MP and David Coats, plus a special on the state of the union with Ian Murray MP, Harriet Protheroe Davis and Sarah Creighton.
Also in this issue: Neena Modi on the fragility of the NHS; David Lammy MP talks tribes; Brianna Craft on coronavirus and the climate emergency; Patti Tamara Lenard debates denationalisation.
Public Service Futures: Welfare states in the digital age.
Public services across the UK and Europe have faced profound change in recent times as a result of spending pressures, market reforms and the impact of digital technologies. They will need to adapt to further challenges still, not least the increasingly urgent need to tackle the climate emergency. How can our welfare states become smarter at providing good services? How can they ensure a voice for all citizens? And how can they best innovate without losing their ethos?
In this collection, contributors from across Europe and the UK set out some answers to these questions. Their essays offer an insight into how the 2020s can be a time of great possibility for public services, with huge potential for new technologies to meet our shared needs and strong public interest institutions working in collaboration not competition.
Let Us Face the Future Again, a Fabian Society pamphlet by Wes Streeting MP.
After a disastrous election result, Labour needs a fresh and hopeful vision to rebuild trust with the country. To win again, the party will have to leave nostalgia behind and develop a programme which addresses the big questions of our day.
How can we end the inequality and poverty which blight our nations? What should we do to ensure everyone has a good life in older age? How do we harness the benefits of new technology to create good work for all? What should we prioritise to tackle the climate emergency? How do we forge new relationships with the EU and the rest of the world?
In this pamphlet, Wes Streeting MP sets out a Labour programme which can win again and, in so doing, improve the lives of millions. In the spirit of the 1945 Labour manifesto, he suggests it is time for Labour to face the future again.