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The many layers of one nation Labour

'One nation' Labour. What a blinder. I am brimming over in admiration for Ed Miliband and his team for this most audacious of rhetorical land grabs. Not because it was a cheeky, clever conference week headline but because it provides...

Going local

All politics is local seems to be the unsurprising, yet insightful, finding of the Fabian's polling of non-voters. If politicians want to encourage people back to the ballot box they need to spend "more time doing good work in my...

Fabian Fringe at Labour Conference Tuesday: LIVE BLOG

1945: It's amazing how quickly a mood can shift in politics; or perhaps more specifically in the bubble of a political conference. But there's no doubt the view that Ed's speech was a triumph is hardening among Labour members and...

Politics is a place for ideas to grow

Conference is of course a good opportunity for party members to get together, catch up, take stock and generally get a feel for what issues members are interested in and also how to move forward over the next year and...

Politics of the common good

Labour need to engage and promote a politics of the common good and resist the tendencies of market society to reduce all social issues to the logic of exchange.

This was the message of Professor Michael Sandel of Harvard University, international...

Fabian Fringe at Labour Conference Sunday: LIVE BLOG

2105: And that's that. Observation: Owen Jones gets more applause at Labour conference fringe meetings than Dan Hodges. Who'd have thunk. And Polly Toynbee doesn't like events running over time.

That's it for #FabLab day one. Thanks for reading and there'll be...

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