The future of the left since 1884

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The right to a decent home

Elections used to be won and lost on housing. From 1918 when Lloyd George promised homes fit for heroes to 1945, when the Labour manifesto proclaimed that housing was ‘one of the greatest and one of the earliest tests of...

Taking the pledge

When we asked for ideas for a new pledge card in the latest issue of the Fabian Review, little did we know that a snap general election was on the cards. Now, with that election just weeks away, Labour needs to connect with...

The personal touch

Angela Rayner has already made it from teenage mum  to the shadow cabinet – and some are saying the leadership could be next. She talks to Kate Murray about values, factions  and why she will always stand her ground
When Angela...

The Age of Trump

The first months of Donald Trump’s presidency have been turbulent ones. We have come to expect the unexpected from the showman in the White House and his team. How should the left respond in these uncertain times?
Edited by Ian Kearns and Kate Murray
April 2017

Spring 2017

This edition of Fabian Review focuses on whether the European left can make a comeback with Philippe Marliere on France's radical reformer and Eunice Goes on social democracy's renewal, plus Kate Murray interviews Angela Rayner MP.
Also in this issue: Polly Toynbee and David Walker.

2016: The Fabian Review’s pick of the year

What a difference a year makes. Few would have predicted just 12 months ago that by the end of 2016 the UK would have backed Brexit and the US plumped for Trump. And not only do we have a new...

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