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Executive elections & AGM

Fabian Society executive elections: Call for nominations

Nominations are now invited for:

10 executive committee places
3 local society places
Honorary treasurer
Welsh convenor

Elections will be by postal ballot and electronic ballot of all full national members and local society members. Nominations should be in...

ELECTION REACTION: The staging post to power?

A Labour prime minister did not enter 10 Downing Street today. But the June election must still be chalked up as a huge success for the Labour party and a personal triumph for Jeremy Corbyn. To go from 30 per...

The age election

The 2017 election could mark an unprecedented and remarkable divergence in the way different age groups vote. If the opinion polls are anything like accurate, the expected Conservative victory will be almost entirely the responsibility of voters over the age...

Ambitions for Britain

Labour enters this election travelling light. It has a handful of decent policy pledges, mainly recycled from Ed Miliband’s manifesto and Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership campaigns. But election policies are meant to be the icing on the cake.

The cake itself is...

Labour’s six battlegrounds

This is going to be complicated. In June’s surprise election Labour will need to fight on six different fronts and each local campaign will need to be tailored to its own context. More than in any previous election, Labour campaigners...

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