The future of the left since 1884

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Going spare: How to deal with under-occupancy

The UK is in the grip of a housing crisis. This is nothing new; over the course of the second world war the UK lost almost half a million homes to a combination of the Blitz and doodlebug attacks. Add...

Making work pay: The story so far

The economy is growing, but where are the celebrations? The recent preliminary GDP figures showed 0.7 per cent growth in the last quarter of 2013, but the response has been muted. Business secretary Vince Cable pre-empted the figures by declaring...

Banking reform: Why moving your money matters

On Friday, Labour leader Ed Miliband announced plans to break the monopoly of the big five UK banks, creating two new ‘challenger banks’ in a policy move designed to tap into raw public anger following the banking crisis, recent scandals...

5 things we need from Miliband's speech

1. Extend the narrative on injecting competition in dysfunctional markets
Breaking up concentrations of power in the economy has been a continual theme in the Labour leader’s vision of a new economy. Injecting greater competition into a banking system in which...

The economic imperative

As the general election creeps into view, focusing Labour minds on how to draw together a wide-ranging policy review into a realistic programme for government, there is a growing debate on the merits of ‘predistribution’ in tackling inequality. Is it...

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