The future of the left since 1884

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What now for Scotland?

Scotland, the Union, and Brexit
On Saturday 8 October the Scottish Fabians held a conference in Edinburgh to discuss the implications of the UK’s decision to leave the European Union. With Brexit set to dominate British politics for the foreseeable future, the...

A rich collective history

Shaping the national debate post-Brexit
Many of us who had campaigned to remain woke up to a sense of deep and inexorable loss when it was announced the UK had voted to leave the European Union. Although the polls had indicated...

Four ways to resist the coming dystopia

Are you scared? I am.

When you look at the news – Aleppo, Trump, Putin, the Conservative conference, the crazy weather – do you get a sinking feeling? I do.

Do you wonder if there's actually anything you can do about it...

Red lines

Red lines are in vogue. It’s hard to find a politician who doesn’t want to draw one somewhere, and with Brexit negotiations just around the corner, migration is a current favourite.

But the problem with red lines is that you must...

Labour and the nation 

Finding a social democratic language about Britishness is crucial if it is to reconnect with its traditional support, Ben Jackson explains
The Labour party has a serious problem with patriotism and national identity. The events of the last few years –...

What now for Labour?

We are living in uncertain times. The tectonic plates underpinning politics are shifting dramatically. When Francis Fukuyama proclaimed that the 'end of history' had arrived in 1992, you would have been forgiven to think he was onto something: global capitalism...

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