The future of the left since 1884

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Environmentalism? Crowdfunding is the way to go

The cost of living crisis has worrying consequences which reach beyond finding enough money to put food on the table, pay energy bills, and keep up with the mortgage or rent. More seemingly remote political concerns such as environmentalism suffer...

Five ways Labour will strengthen communities

Some people say we’re losing our sense of community spirit. That’s just not true. Across the country there are 20 million people that volunteer in their local areas. In the last few days I’ve met people running grassroots sports clubs,...

Work and business: Fixing Universal Credit

Many like to depict universal credit (UC) as the great British cock-up – a wasteful white elephant that is over-budget, over-time and over-sold by the current government on every occasion. But beyond its many management failures so carefully documented last...

Back to Earth

We are facing a democratic deficit of startling proportions.

Across Europe, electoral turnout has been on a downward trend for decades and membership of a political party is dwindling compared to the post-war era. In the UK, only 44 per cent...

New report reveals snapshot of British Sikh community

Many Sikhs in Britain, including myself, share a similar account of how our parents and grandparents came to the UK in the 1960s and 1970s with little more than £10 in their pockets, endured dreadful racism and worked hard to...

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